Friday, 24 November 2017

Dream Of Separation

Stop for a moment and do nothing. Very soon the momentum of existence will reveal itself - this event of Life simply happening. It is mysterious to human cognition - not because there is anything supernatural about it but because its deepest nature is beyond the limitations of human comprehension.

It presents as an ineffable power, creativity and intelligence - effortlessly generating black holes, repairing cells and DNA, converting light into sugar, creating the orbital energy of the electron and the poetry of Rumi.

Nothing stands apart from it - yet it arises as endless variation, individuation, uniqueness and complexity. It is conceiving you/creating you, sustaining you, directing you, determining you, realising you… and yet the mind identifies as a separate, enduring and inherently existing form within this event of Life. Waking up to no-separation is waking up from this habitual dream of separation to the simplicity of just THIS - as it is.

And although the body-mind-matrix is the apparent locus of experience (after all, experience happens here) and we conventionally ascribe sovereign functionality to it, it is not other than a movement and expression of this radiant principle which knows no separation.