Friday, 11 November 2011

Real Time Happening

Sit still.... take a deep breath...


Someone is washing up in the kitchen. The clatter of plates and the jangle of cutlery.

Someone enters the kitchen and a conversation starts.

But see.... they have no existence... apart from this scenario - this happening.

Breathe in... breathe out... feel the tingle in the fingers.

You don't exist... other than this real time happening.

A car goes by... two dogs start to bark excitedly... their owners exchange words.

But the dogs and cars and people have no existence... apart from this unfolding - this present happening.

Only conceptually can things exist other than how they are expressed right Now.

This is not fancy nonduality speak - this is how things are.

There is a universal event... a happening going out live.

It never settles... it never becomes happen-ed.

Of course this event presents as highly complex expressions, conditions, facets, patterns.

But nothing is other than... separate from... independent of... this global happening... this seamless universal turning.

The Universe is this............................................

Breathe in... breathe out...

The Universe* is (now) this...................................

*Universe as a synonym for the All, Totality, Tao etc.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Illusion Of Happened Things

Existence is a seamless event unfolding... the church bells, the rain, the birds, the trees, the rumble of cars.... are the present expression of a living sweep... a living universe happening - not happened.

Happen-ed things do not exist... there is only a happen-ing... this very zinging actual-ness or such-ness of manifestation - reality occurring in real time - going out live - now... as you read this.

Happened things, separate entities, independent objects and so on are thought (and language) constructions - they appear in a freeze-framed virtual reality (the apparent 'then'.)

Right Now there are no such things - just a happening happening. These seeming things, beings and entities are not what they are but how they are in this real time happening - shifting modulations of a great event.

Things don't exist - only the global living event exists.