Here's something that I wrote recently:
The attempt to determine what we are is fraught with metaphysical difficulties. Although there can be a certainty that there is a 'something' from which the organism appears, all attempts to understand and describe this 'something' are limited to mind made concepts. THAT which is the Source of life is clearly not limited to life's limited ideas - in the same way that the source of a dream is not bound by the content of the dream.
On the other hand, the discovery of what we are not has a natural logic to it - it's plain to see that the organism doesn't generate reality. It does not create itself. It cannot be found to be separate and autonomous. It's not responsible for its thoughts and feelings. It is rather the case that there is a Source/Reality in which the apparent organism arises. The 'me' like all other objects, gross or subtle, is inescapably contingent on something that could be said to be 'more essential' than this ever shifting body-mind matrix.
So, we cannot determine what this Source is - yet we know that it is. At best we may have a loose, intuitive recognition of its all-encompassing nature. The more prosaic way to envisage Source is as the natural ordering of the cosmos - a creative power expressing as this particular shifting matrix. My being is dependent on continually shifting conditions - those conditions are themselves dependent on a myriad of shifting conditions and so on - like a Indra's net stretching out to infinity.
A deeper intuitive leap reveals Source as THAT which generates reality. In an imaginative sense, Source could be said to be dreaming this reality into existence - yet Source is ultimately utterly unknowable and mysterious: how could we begin to have any notions of what is sourcing this particular manifestation?
Either way (or any other way) the essential point is that in this life as it is right now (without notions of beyond and before), we can begin to recognize a radically different yet natural and ordinary paradigm at work. Life is happening of its own accord, events happen, deeds are done without the need to put a separate doer at the helm. Source is the doer (so to speak). As already said; the organism doesn't generate Reality. It does not create itself. It cannot be found to be separate and autonomous... It is being done. THIS is being done....... enjoy the ride.