Thursday, 3 December 2009

Nondual Suchness

It becomes clear that the essence of nonduality cannot be found in the conceptual twists and turns of appearances.

Yet it is already plainly evident right now as the very suchness of appearances.

Just pause and taste the certainty of this... the certainty of THIS.

From here, any lingering doubt or confusion can be instantly recognised to be just more display...

And even seeming directives to 'just pause...' or whatever, cannot violate the utter nondual suchness of this unstoppable free fall. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Radical Tao

Only Tao

Ever fresh...

Yet not arriving

Never gone and not returning

Only flow

No separate little you standing apart from Tao's mysterious course

Whatever arises - however it appears...

Is already given

Friday, 2 October 2009

Inescapably THIS

Of course...

It is this THIS.

THIS... not a place or set of events...

But the being of whatever IS.

Utterly nondual even as it appears dualistic.

THIS is always the case... before, during and beyond concepts.

Only thought might disagree (and even deny THIS...) yet thought itself is appearance in THIS.

Whatever arises... thought, feeling, sense, nonsense, confusion, doubt, wonder... is already inescapably THIS.

And so the question of who or why or how etc... becomes liberatingly irrelevant.

Always only THIS...

The being of whatever IS.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Lateral Life

LINEAR LIFE is the way that life is perceived and understood conventionally.

Each life is like a line. It stretches back through the past and forwards to the future.

Each line is separate from the next.

LATERAL LIFE is the true nature of things.

All there is, is the present. There is no past or future. No line stretching backwards or forwards... just this... here... now.

An analogy would be to compare life to a screen and its changing scenes.

There are no lines of separation... just the seamless arising of what is.